Fact Finder

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Northern Ireland and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Statistics Overview

Total Properties:


Total Active Adverts:


Total Rooms:


Rooms Available:


Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 07/09/2024 @ 23:27:48].

Area Statistics
Last Update: 07/09/2024 @ 23:27:48

Per Person Per WeekPer Person Per Month
Belfast - Ballynafeigh£100.00£100.00£100.00£433.33£433.33£433.331
Belfast - Botanic£126.92£155.71£194.00£550.00£674.75£840.672
Belfast - Chichester£163.00£203.00£299.00£706.33£879.66£1,295.672
Belfast - New Lodge£98.08£146.19£197.00£425.00£633.50£853.673
Belfast - Queens Quarter£98.08£103.53£114.42£425.00£448.61£495.833
Belfast - Shaftesbury£199.00£199.00£199.00£862.33£862.33£862.331
Belfast - Stranmillis£92.31£106.73£121.15£400.00£462.50£525.002
Belfast - The Holyland£102.69£122.53£173.08£445.00£530.97£750.009
Coleraine - Waterside£112.50£112.50£112.50£487.50£487.50£487.501
Portrush - Royal Portrush£98.08£98.08£98.08£425.00£425.00£425.001
Portrush -Atlantic£95.19£149.28£167.31£412.50£646.88£725.004
Portstewart - Portstewart Central£840.00£840.00£840.00£3,640.00£3,640.00£3,640.001
Portstewart - Strand£155.77£155.77£155.77£675.00£675.00£675.001
Average Price Including Utilities*
Last Update: 07/09/2024 @ 23:27:48
AreaPer Person Per WeekPer Person Per MonthAdverts
Belfast - Ballynafeigh£100.00£433.331
Belfast - Botanic£184.50£799.501
Belfast - Chichester£203.00£879.662
Belfast - New Lodge£165.00£715.001
Belfast - Shaftesbury£199.00£862.331
Belfast - Stranmillis£121.15£525.001
Belfast - The Holyland£102.69£445.001
Coleraine - Waterside£112.50£487.501
Portrush - Royal Portrush£98.08£425.001
Portrush -Atlantic£149.28£646.884
Average Price Excluding Utilities*
Last Update: 07/09/2024 @ 23:27:48
AreaPer Person Per WeekPer Person Per MonthAdverts
Belfast - Botanic£126.92£550.001
Belfast - New Lodge£136.79£592.752
Belfast - Queens Quarter£103.53£448.613
Belfast - Stranmillis£92.31£400.001
Belfast - The Holyland£125.02£541.728
Portstewart - Portstewart Central£840.00£3,640.001
Portstewart - Strand£155.77£675.001

* Included utilities are gas, electricity and water only.